Anaru Bidois
TK14 Trustee
Ko te whiu o te kōrero i whiua ki Tarimano,
ko Te Aongahoro, ko te ruahine a Tawakeheimoa,
kia rere ki mua ko Rangiwewehi ē!
E aku iti, e aku rahi,e aku whakatamarahi,
tēnā rā koutou!
I am father of seven, six kaiako of take Māori and one kaiwhakairo pounamu. Takitini ngā mokopuna kahurangi.
The last 30 years of my working career was in mental health and addiction services. Upon retirement, I returned to studies and completed a Bachelor of Education (Adult Education) and a Diploma in Māori Governance and Leadership.
Trustee and administrative experience
I am a current trustee on:
• Mangōrewa Kaharoa Taumata Trust (Ngāti Rangiwewehi Forestry Block)
• Matakana Lands Trust: Opureora 1B73
Opureora 1B73B
Waihīrere Orchard
I am a past chairperson of Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi, the tribal authority of Ngāti Rangiwewehi.
Wawata whenua
My mana whenua at Te Tumu 14 comes from ōku tūpuna o Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Hehe rāua ko Hera Hākopa.
My position of mana whakahaere as a trustee alongside Uenuku Fairhall and Arthur Warren can be attributed to Mihi Pene and Tata Simpkins, who recognised a need for hapū representation.
This provides a personal challenge of how to meet and provide for the individual lens of nōku te whenua to that of the collective no te whenua ahau.
naku noa Anaru
Kia ora koutou,