How to stay informed

 We have created several channels for our owners to stay up to date with what the Trust is working on.

We have started a series of engagement hui and we publish the videos, presentations and transcripts so you can stay up to date even if you are unable to attend. These are now both in person and via Zoom.

We also publish owner questions with answers from the trustees and various specialist advisors, reports on hazard investigation, proposed trustee rotation and elections, workshops and more.

You can catch up with all of this on our news page.

We have also created an official Facebook page where we share posts and updates from the trust. This has proved to be a very popular way for our owners to stay up do date. It gives you another opportunity to ask questions or to share your views.

There is a survey that invites owner feedback on a range of questions. Currently there are questions about how you like to be kept informed, the guiding principles, trustee rotation, the draft development plan and more. We invite you to complete the survey here.