Emire Rota-Bidois
TK14 Trustee
Ko Otawa me Ngongotaha toku Maunga
Ko Raparapahoe me Awahou toku Awa
Ko Te Arawa toku Waka
Ko Te Arawa toku Iwi
Ko Ngati Rangiwewehi me Waitaha toku Hapu
Ko Haraki me Hei me Tarimano toku Marae
Ko Emire Mauria Rota-Bidois me Khan-Malak toku ingoa
In 1990 my mother, Emire Amiria Ruby Ngaki Rota, who was a beneficial owner in Te Tumu Kaituna 14 Trust, elected me as a Trustee. My mother was very keen on Maori land matters and used to follow the progress of Te Tumu Kaituna 14’s development over the years, much so when an owners meeting was called, for the election of additional trustees back in 1990. She kept herself updated about the trust through the Maori land court. Following her footsteps, I have also been actively involved with this Trust for the past thirty-two years during which we have seen many developments and several business proposals. My heart and thoughts are to see the lands under this trust are developed for the sake of our children, mokopuna and future generations.
I have a New Zealand Diploma in Business Management Level 6 and a bachelors degree in Applied Business Management Level 7.
I am married and have 4 children and 7 mokopuna. All of them understand “He Tikanga Maori” and Te Reo as they have been taught by their Kuia and me in their infancy. These are our traditional values that we have been taught and brought up with. My mother used to say “Me Aroha, He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata” Te mea nui. – “To Love one another is the greatest of all, people, people, people”
I was born in Te Puke, Bay of Plenty and spent most of my life there. After completing high school and college, I went to work in the kiwi fruit industry where I spent 12 years. The last 8 years of which was as Quality Controller. I have also been active in several community organizations such as St. John Youth Division where I was a member and leader for 23 years. I am also a trustee on three Maori Land Trusts where I have been for long, the longest being over 30 years. I have also been on two marae trusts in the past.
In 2008, I professed to the Islamic faith and in 2013 made my Haj pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The travel overseas was a lifetime experience and eye- opener. Then back in Rotorua, I studied and worked at Student Pulse, Toi-Ohomai (Polytech) as president and manager of their student association. On the community level, I am a member of the Rotorua Multicultural Council, Rotary Club Rotorua, member and secretary of Ubuntu African Society, Bay of Plenty, Member of Rotorua Islamic Community and New Zealand. At present, I work at Literacy Aotearoa Rotorua, which is an adult literacy provider, as their site co-ordinator.
Nau reira tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.